Friday, April 16, 2010

Invasion of the Aphids!

Well, that time of year has come. My roses are swamped with aphids!!!! They are worse than I've ever seen them! I got some organic spray to help but I'm not convinced I'll be able to avoid using chemicals!!! Help!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Saving the World

I hold a strong belief in respecting all of life. One reason I care about respecting all of life is because it is strongly rooted in Christian belief. True Christian belief holds value to all of God's creation: humans, animals, the land, the sea, and all within. This is why I believe in supporting local farmers, buying organic food (when possible), and respectful treatment of all animals and humans involved. This is not a "kick" I'm on, as some may think. It is not simply a trendy thing to do. It is rooted in a theology. For saving the world, is not simply about getting as many souls to heaven (while this is important). It is much more. It is about restoration. It is about being an agent of healing in the world, as opposed to destroying it.

Patriarch Bartholomew speaks of environmentalism being a theological issue below.


Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death upon those in the tombs bestowing life!

Translation of song below:

People rejoice, nations hear:
Christ is risen, and brings the joy!
Stars dance, mountains sing:
Christ is risen, and brings the joy!
Forests murmur, winds hum:
Christ is risen, and brings the joy!
Seas bow*, animals roar:
Christ is risen, and brings the joy!
Bees swarm, and the birds sing:
Christ is risen, and brings the joy!

Angels stand, triple the song:
Christ is risen, and brings the joy!
Sky humble yourself, and elevate the earth:
Christ is risen, and brings the joy!
Bells chime, and tell to all:
Christ is risen, and brings the joy!
Glory to You God, everything is possible to You,
Christ is risen, and brings the joy!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Holy Saturday

Yesterday I Was Crucified With Him

Yesterday I was crucified with Him; today I am glorified with Him.
Yesterday I died with Him; today I am made alive in Him.
Yesterday, I was buried with Him, today I am raised up with Him.
Let us offer ourselves to Him who suffered and rose again for us.
Let us become divine for His sake, since for us He became human.
He assumed the worse that He might give us the better.
He became poor that by His poverty we might become rich.
He accepted the form of a servant that we might win back our freedom.
He came down that we might be lifted up.
He was tempted that through Him we might conquer.
He was dishonored that He might glorify us.
He died that He might save us.
He ascended that He might draw to Himself us, who were thrown down through the fall of sin.
Let us give all, offer all, to Him
Who gave Himself a ransom and reconciliation for us.
We needed an incarnate God, a God put to death, that we might live.
We were put to death together with Him.
We were glorified with Him because we rose again with Him.

A few drops of blood recreate the whole creation!

-Easter Oration, St. Gregory the Theologian, 4th Century (emphasis mine)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday

"Today He is suspended on a tree who suspended the earth over the waters"

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Thoughts for Maundy Thursday

Instructing Thy disciples in the mystery, O Lord,

Thou didst say to them:

My beloved, see that no fear separates you from me.

Though I suffer, it is for the sake of the world.

Let me not be a cause of scandal to you.

I came, not to be served, but to serve,

to give myself for the redemption of the world.

If you are my friends, then imitate me.

Let the first among you be last.

Let the master be like the servant.

Abide in me and bear fruit, for I am the vine of life.

-From the Matins of Great and Holy Thursday

The Lord, who alone loves mankind,

who created the lakes, the rivers, and the seas,

gave us a special commandment of love

when he wrapped a towel around His waist

and washed the feet of His disciples;

He humbled Himself in the greatness of His goodness,

raising us from the depths of evil.

- Kathisma Hymn from the Matins of Great and Holy Thursday
