Saturday, October 31, 2009

I love fall.

I love fall. I love the change in weather, from the scorching heat of summer to the cooler temperatures of autumn. I love how leaves float down from trees, ever changing from green to golden to orange or red. Fall, for me, feels more peaceful than the season it follows. The bustle of summer vacations and swimming in crowded pools is over. The smothering heat is passing and I feel I can begin to breathe again. In fall, I can sense the animals getting ready for the near season of winter. Pumpkins adorn the front porches of homes and find themselves used in recipes. My roses burst into bloom one last time before the cold of winter comes. Fall is a wonderful time of year. It is when I find myself a little contemplative of nature, life, and the beauty God gives. Then, I hope that gratitude rises up inside me as thanksgiving approaches. With all of this, I sense the ever nearness of advent. The season of fall is one of transition but also anticipation of what is to come. These are some of the reasons I love it.

Recently, I enjoyed a morning that reminded me of all of these things. I ate my Trader Joe's pumpkin pancakes and drank coffee out of my halloween mug. The fire was turned on for the first time in a long time. Why? It was fall! As I cooked my food and enjoyed, I listened to some music to inspire my heart. It was peaceful. It was beautiful.
(my breakfast and the music that inspired me)

Saturday, October 3, 2009


One day this week I ventured out after work for my monthly brow appointment. It turned out to be much more than I bargained for in a good way! I discovered at the Aveda salon I go to that they were having a special on massages. So, since I was in extreme back pain, I took them up on this dose of relaxation and body healing. As I waited for my appointment I was blessed to come upon another bargain: happy hour at Seattle's Best (Borders)! I got a medium latte for only $2! This all was a great way for me to destress!
